Catholic Schools in the Diocese Getting Ready for New Year


The first day of school is only a few weeks away here in the Diocese of Rockville Centre. Throughout the summer, many of the elementary and high schools have been busy with enhancements and improvements. Here’s a look at how some are getting ready.

St. Martin de Porres Marianist School, Uniondale
St. Martin de Porres Marianist School recently completed the construction of a brand new Academic Intervention Services Center in the school building. Students will have a new warm and inviting space to receive the academic support services that are offered in the school. St. Martin de Porres Marianist School will be celebrating its 20th Anniversary during the 2023-2024 school year! The administration, faculty and staff look forward to celebrating this great milestone throughout the year with both current and alumni families!

Our Lady of Guadalupe School, Deer Park
The Dual Language Immersion program at Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic School will expand into Grade 1 this year as a member of Boston College’s TWIN-CS (Two Way Immersion Network for Catholic Schools). Head of School, Dr. Val Serpe, joined leadership and teachers from across the country at the Boston College TWIN-CS Summer Academy held at Loyola Marymount College in Los Angeles in June. The Academy featured amazing presentations, inspired collaborations, and an expanded network committed to expanding dual-language education in Catholic education across the United States.

Language Director, Mrs. Celica Villegas-King, and teachers, Ms. Salma Joya and Ms. Glenys Gil

OLG Dual Language Director, Mrs. Celica Villegas-King, and teachers, Ms. Salma Joya and Ms. Glenys Gil, traveled to the University of Notre Dame as part of the Alliance for Catholic Education’s ENL Hernandez Fellows Program. The Hernandez Fellows mission strives to ensure that language learners thrive in Catholic schools. The one-year program consists of both online and in-person classes and provides school leaders and teachers with an experience that will help deepen their expertise in educating linguistically diverse learners.

OLG is filled with gratitude to collaborate with both Boston College and the University of Notre Dame – two incredible Catholic institutions of higher education – as prepare to welcome nearly 500 students through our doors this fall and continue to grow Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic School as the pilot school for the Diocese of Rockville Centre and the Morning Star Initiative.

Long Beach Catholic Regional School, Long Beach
Long Beach Catholic Regional School installed a new fire panel to modernize the fire safety system within the school. Long Beach Catholic Regional School looks forward to celebrating its 70th anniversary as a school with a rich history of partnership with the three parishes of Beach Catholic.

Our Lady of Peace School, Lynbrook
Our Lady of Peace School is installing water bottle fillers throughout the building. We are thrilled to unveil a wonderful addition to our OLP family – our brand-new Two-Year-Old Children’s Program. “Little Peace Playgroup.” Mrs. Christine Daly will run this program, nurturing young minds from the start. This innovative program is designed to provide our tiniest learners with a fantastic educational journey.

St. Rose of Lima School, Massapequa
St. Rose of Lima completed our smart board upgrade, switching the entire school building to state-of-the-art Promethean Boards. We also completed a total upgrade of our existing WIFI system.

Over the summer, St. Rose of Lima hired Mr. Adam Grand to serve as theology teacher in Grades 5-8 and campus minister to the parish. His addition will help to strengthen our Catholic identity while increasing outreach to various stakeholders within the school and parish.

St. William the Abbot, Seaford

  1. A Rosary Garden was designed and built by St. William’s Alum, Marcus Caniano, for his Eagle Scout Project. Our students will be able to pray and reflect in the Garden, and a parishioner is donating a new bench for students to spend quiet time in the Garden.
  2. A new office has been built for the School Counselor, providing an updated space for students to be attentive to their social and emotional needs.
  3. Safety is paramount at St. William the Abbot School, and new hardware has been installed in each classroom door, meeting NYS Fire Codes. Also, a Mantrap was installed in the main lobby, providing another layer of protection for students and staff in the event of a disturbance.

St. William the Abbot School is now offering Latin instruction to Middle School Students, beginning in September. The enrichment course will be taught by new Assistant Principal, Mr. Ryan Fedak. Our school theme for the year, in alignment with the Eucharistic Revival, is “Become What You Receive.” The theme will be reflected on bulletin boards in each classroom and the main lobby. Students will also regularly attend Eucharistic Adoration. SWS 6th and 7th Graders will be attending a week-long trip to Nature’s Classroom in Connecticut this Fall. The trip focuses on an appreciation of God’s Creation and team-building. SWS 8th Graders will be visiting Washington, DC for a 3-day trip in the Spring as the culmination of two years of study of American History!


Sacred Heart Academy High School, Hempstead
It was a SHA summer of impactful change!

Our Theology Center has been completely transformed to create a welcoming and peaceful space for our Theology faculty and students to meet throughout the day.

A re-imagined “Justice and Peace” Hall art installation brings a modern flair to the commemoration of the many years of recipients. Presented annually to an alumna who has made a difference by her work in the area of justice, the Justice and Peace award is given each fall.

Generously donated by the Fekert family, alumnae and friends in memory of Delanie Fekert ‘15, the dance studio that bears her name will be ready for dancers of all grades this fall. Upgrades to the dance studio include a new Marley floor, new lighting, state of the art ventilation, new mirrored walls and new barres.

A new Alumnae Hall has been created to showcase and inspire our students with the many successes of our more than 12,000 alumnae on a state-of-the-art digital display.

The student cafeteria has been transformed into a light, bright and engaging space for the girls to enjoy each day. Our food partner has been upgraded their equipment and space to create a modern experience for all to enjoy. Three large screen TV’s have been installed in the space. Whether it’s a reminder from the morning announcements, an inspirational daily prayer, a celebration of a student’s birthday, an invitation to one of outstanding athletics teams or a live stream of important events and social media posts.

Throughout the building, a new lighting plan was installed in all classrooms and hallways, photo installations have been installed to showcase our students’ achievements, walls have been painted, floors have been refurbished, and an endless list of small changes that have a big impact on everyday life here at SHA!

Kellenberg Memorial High School, Uniondale

The future Firebird Center for Arts and Athletics

When students return to Kellenberg Memorial for the new school year they will see the steel structure of the future Firebird Center for Arts and Athletics. When they left in June, only the foundation was visible, now they will see the outline of the new building which will be open in September 2024. The Firebird Center will include two gymnasiums, a dance studio, eight lanes for bowling, a band room, orchestra room, thirteen music instruction rooms, two golf simulators, and two all-purpose meeting rooms. Seniors will have the opportunity to take an elective class in Construction Management and be engaged in the building process.

The Maria Regina Terrace (one of Kellenberg’s three courtyards) was completely renovated. The koi pond, walkway, and landscaping received a fresh look. This courtyard is visible from the school chapel and the lobby of the school. The peacocks, turtles, and koi are enjoying their new space and the students will greatly enjoy seeing this beautiful area of the building.

The General Office also underwent a major renovation creating more office spaces and a conference room.

We are excited to welcome nearly 600 Freshmen and almost as many middle school students in September as well as catch up with our returning students for a new school year. Our Triple AAA Program for our youngest students kicks off the school year with the enthusiastic and generous support of our upperclassmen.

Twelve seniors attended the Marianist LIFE Program in Dayton Ohio

In July, twelve seniors attended the Marianist LIFE Program in Dayton Ohio with students from Marianist high schools from around the country. The program prepared them to be spiritual and religious leaders during the new school year.

We also look forward to the witness of our twenty-eight World Youth Day Pilgrims who will share with the Kellenberg study body their experiences of being with young people from around the world deepening their faith experience while seeing and listening to Pope Francis.

We are gearing up for another year of faith-filled year at Kellenberg Memorial.

Our twenty-eight World Youth Day Pilgrims
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