Schools and Education News

Back to School in the Diocese of Rockville Centre

Back to School Prayer

God of wisdom and might, we praise you
for the wonder of our being, for mind,
body, and spirit. Be with our children as
they begin a new school year and keep them
safe from harm or danger. Bless them and
their teachers and staff. Give them strength
and grace as their bodies grow; wisdom
and knowledge to their minds as they
search for understanding; and peace to
their hearts. We ask this through Jesus
Christ, our Lord. Amen.

St. Patrick Catholic School, Bay Shore

On Friday September 9th, Saint Patrick Catholic School honored the Blessed Mother for their First Friday Mass of the year. Pictured in the “Pathway to Holiness” are 8th grade student altar servers; Father Cyril Obi Bayim, associate pastor; Father Sean Gann, pastor of the Parish of Saint Patrick, Christine Glynn, principal; Deacon Joe Peralta, and Brian Colomban, Assistant Superintendent, Department of Education.

St. Anthony’s High School, Huntington

Michael Shaye Ventura is currently a junior and is following in his proud parents’, (Matt Ventura ’88 and Katherine Smith Ventura ’88) footsteps at Saint Anthony’s High School. He is currently seeking to attain the Boy Scouts of America’s highest distinction – Eagle Scout.

For his Eagle Scout project his goal was to further beautify our 9-11 Memorial (which includes a piece of steel from the remnants of the Twin Towers) by creating an information remembrance board in honor of those we lost, building two new ‘prayer and reflection benches’, and adding to the landscaping of this most sacred area on our campus

St. William the Abbot School, Seaford

After morning prayer with the faculty and staff, Saint William the Abbot Catholic School in Seaford was ready to begin the new school year! Ever mindful of the 2023-2024 theme, “Become What You Receive”, Father Joseph Fitzgerald, pastor of the Parish of Saint William the Abbot; Mrs. Elizabeth Bricker, principal; Father Michael Edathil, associate pastor and Ryan Fedak, assistant principal were on hand to welcome everyone back and start the new year off with smiles.

Last week, the students and their families got a sneak-peak at their classrooms and met with their teachers during the annual Welcome Back Mass & Party, which helped get everyone in the spirit of the new year!