– Eucharistic Ministers
– Lectors
– Pre-Cana
– Baptism
– Hospitality/Ushers
RCIA *School of Formation, Centers in:
– St. Christopher, Baldwin
– St. Brigid, Westbury
– St. John of God, Central Islip
– Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Patchogue
Spiritual Catholic Groups:
– Cursillo Movement
– Charismatic Renewal
– Movimiento Familiar Cristiano
– Marriage Encounters
– Lay Vincentians
– Neochatecumenal Way
– Society of Sacred Heart Jesus
– Society of the Divine Mercy
– Third Order of Franciscans
Diocesan Activities:
– Woman Day monthof June
– Ultreya del Campo month of July
– Youth Picnic month of July
– Youth Encounter Day Labor Day
– Hispanic Day month of October
– Our Lady of Guadalupe month of December
*Contact Us For Additional Information About Upcoming Events: (516)-678-5800 Ext. 560
Pastoral Ministry for Hispanic Young Adults
The Pastoral Ministry for Spanish Speaking Young Adults is divided into three zones that make up our entire Diocese. Presently we have 22 young adult groups that meet regularly in different parishes.
Pope John Paul II in the apostolic exhortation “Christifideles Laici” that speaks of the vocation and mission of the faithful laity of the Church and of the world tells us “The youth in a great many countries of the world represent hal of the population and often constitute in numbers hal of the people of God living in those countries. Simply from this aspect, youth make up an exceptionalpotential and great challenge for the future of the Church.”
The Hispanic youth of our diocese are facing very difficult times. Aware that the majority of these young people are faced with important challenges that touch upon every aspect of their lives, we believe that their needs should receive top priority.
A small number of the Hispanic youth participate in programs at the diocesan and parish levels. Most feel that these programs are limited and in many instances deficient because they do not address the reality of life for the Hispanic young person. Also, pressures imposed by society itself and by their peers have led many away from the church.
The youth of our diocese are the young Church of today and will be the Church of the future. We must therefore seek out the potential, talents and abilities inherent in them and provide them with the proper guidance with instills Christian values.
It is our objective to present to our Hispanic young adults the living Christ as their only Savior and encourage them to participate actively in the renewal of society and to be leaders in the Church’s evangelizing mission.
Programs and Projects
– Create and train mobile young adult teams that will assist in developing programs
for the young adult groups at parish level.
– Provide workshops in each parish.
– Promote representation of our young adults both at the diocesan and parochial
– Encourage and awake in our youth their vocational call.
John Paul II in speaking of the youth of the world stated:
“Youth must not simply be considered as an aspect of pastoral concern for the church: in fact young people are and ought to be encouraged as leading characters in evangelizing and participating in the renewal of society.” (Christifideles Laici, #46)